School’s out but that doesn’t mean that parents get a summer break—the opposite actually.

Instead of running your little ones off to school and after-school activities, you’re shuttling them to and from soccer games, their friends’ houses, summer camp—the list goes on.

How can you possibly keep up with your kids during this time of year? Here are three ways to energize your summer and stay on top of a strenuous schedule.

Plan Snacks

While running around with your kiddos, you may not have time or even forget to eat. That’s why it’s important to plan snacks into your day. Snacks will keep you from grabbing fast food or unhealthy treats.

Healthy snacks will also keep your blood sugar stable and give you the energy to go, go, go all day long.

Here are some quick tips to eating healthy on the go.

Sneak in Naptime

Let’s face it, energy is wasted on the young. But that doesn’t mean you can’t gain some extra energy during the day.

How do you do that? Squeeze in that beautiful, much-needed nap.

While your kids are off at a friends’ house or attending some other summer activity, take that nap. You have the house all to yourself, so you might as well take advantage of the peace and quiet.

Just remember to set your alarm clock!

Take Your Xyng

Sometimes a nap or a snack just won’t cut it. You need another source of natural energy to keep you going.

Sounds like you need Xyng in your life.

Xyng provides you with energy from natural ingredients. Just one or two capsules can give you the drive to keep moving. It also helps improve mood and control appetite. It’s a well-rounded product that can help you keep up with your kids all day long.

Energize Your Summer

Summer can be just as much fun for you as it is for your kids. With three simple tips to give you the energy to do what you want, you’ll be able to survive the hustle of summer.

Just remember to enjoy your break too!