Today is a HUGE day for me. It’s my anniversary.

Nope, not my wedding anniversary. My anniversary of saying YES to the system that changed my life and my family’s lives.

On the Monday following Thanksgiving nine years ago, I was scared and I was skeptical, but I was hopeful, too. I needed something. I needed CHANGE in my life. I was tired. I was achy. I was overweight. Depressed. Overwhelmed. Broke. Stressed. My lab work was not showing me in the best of health and borderline for many health concerns … ALL THOSE THINGS describe me. I was raising three little kids on my own and commuting to a teaching job that I loved but that wasn’t enough to pay all our bills.

After having the worst Thanksgiving of my life, I decided that I had to try this as nothing was going to change unless I did something different. I decided this not because of me, though, I decided to jump on board because of my kids. This pic of my kids was taken nine years ago this week. THEY needed a better mom and a better life. I vowed I was going to try my hardest to give them those things. With the money-back guarantee, I decided that there was little risk with trying this and really I thought I’d probably be sending it back at the end of the guarantee period. Yep, like I said, I was skeptical.

Nine years ago today is when I implemented the products and system into my life. My skepticism soon changed as within days I was feeling better. After my first week, I’d lost 10 pounds. At the end of my first 30 days, I was down 21 pounds, even during the holiday season, and feeling better than I had in years. By the end of month two, I’d more than covered the cost of all my products and actually had income to help pay the bills. I was also down another 20 pounds and people didn’t even recognize me.

By the time spring hit, I had lost 75 pounds, was earning a monthly income (doing this very part time since I was a raising three kids alone and had a full-time job), that was well over $2,000 per month. I wasn’t just paying my bills with ease, I was paying down debt!! I’d also earned my first trip.

Now, nine years later, I have left my teaching career, purchased our dream home/farm, am debt free, traveled the world with my children, have helped thousands of people change their lives, and am so much healthier.

Yep, nine years ago today was the start of a new life for me and my kids that I vowed I’d give them. I had no idea the scope of how much our lives would change. It’s incredible and I feel so blessed by this coming into our lives!

Disclaimer: I am the rank of Gold Executive. .04% of Xyngular Distributors are paid as a Gold Executive. This testimonial does not include expenses incurred by the Distributor in building their business. Our company’s income disclosure: