Big shout-out to our teammate Amy Potter for leading the March MUSCLE Madness challenge in our Live WELL community! 

Amy joined our team in 2013 looking for weight loss.

“I was getting ready to go to the Women’s Ranch Rodeo Finals, and I was going to get myself some new jeans. But guess what? The largest size in ‘my brand’ didn’t fit anymore,” she said. “And, I remember sitting there in the dressing room thinking to myself, ‘maybe if I get these pants starched they’ll grow enough.’ But they weren’t going to grow the amount of growth that I needed to make them work.”

Amy tried losing the weight on her own several times. “Lose it … gain it … lose it … gain it. Then I finally found something that worked for me, worked with our lifestyle, with no hours spent at the gym.”

She went on to lose 64 pounds and become a Silver Executive with our wellness company. Now, Amy, a busy ranch wife who is married with two kids, is helping others!

Not only does she coach people on our nutritional supplements and meal plans, but she also is teaching people how to do simple exercises at home to build muscle and tone up through the March MUSCLE Madness. Thank you, Amy, for sharing your health and fitness knowledge with others! 

Join March MUSCLE Madness