Being proud and sharing your pride is sometimes weird as it seems not humble, something I try to be. I thought about not sharing this, but it is something I am sooo proud of and I hope it can inspire someone else. Here is the deal …

I got my first credit card when I was 18 at freshman enrollment day at K-State. Even with unnecessary, excessive college spending in my youth; owning 6 homes that were ALL financed in my name solely; several vehicles and a horse trailer that was financed by me alone; a cancer battle with my son resulting in huge hospital bills; a spouse laid off from work and being a one-income family; living less than paycheck to paycheck and being credit card dependent for everyday expenses; a divorce with a lot of legal expenses and a year of being the sole person to pay for TWO homes and their expenses; credit card bills nearing $20K at one time; losing my 18-year teaching job; and years raising my kids alone without child support … I’ve always taken care of my bills and debts even when it was super difficult.
Life has thrown me some crazy, major curveballs that affected my financial situation and made life HARD. I could’ve thrown in the towel and walked away from some of my bills, but I have always wanted to protect my credit and my reputation. I have never missed a payment, never declared bankruptcy, never had something sent to collections, never had someone else pay for my spending/debts.
Instead, I took sole responsibility and I worked, even if it was just to be able to pay the minimum each month. Then I worked to find something better so I could get rid of my debts and not live with the daily stress that huge lingering bills and debts bring.
Despite those curveballs, I’m a 44-year-old single parent that is now debt free and lives within my means, has assets and now SAVES. In fact, this number would probably actually be higher if I still had debt I paid on each month. That number? I did it on my own. It’s a reflection of me saying “be damned” to the curveballs and figuring it out.
Is it bad I’m proud?? 😬😬😬This is something I want to teach my children … to be mindful of their credit, take it seriously, never walk away and leave it for someone else, and never quit working hard to have what you want.
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