Living a healthy lifestyle is tricky when you’re always on the go. You need simple solutions that really work, and can fit into your busy lifestyle. And it can be even harder when you feel like you’re missing out on those treats that you enjoy.

When you find yourself without time to stop and enjoy a healthy meal, or need a quick pick-me-up treat, you need to have a quick, easy and delicious alternative to keep you on track. That’s where Lean Chocolate comes in!

Lean Chocolate is crafted to provide you with quality nutrition and real-life-ready convenience. All with a rich, creamy chocolate flavor that tastes too good to be good for you!

Simple Nutrition for Your Busy Life

Lean Chocolate is a delicious snack replacement, perfect for using between meals. With only 70 calories per scoop, Lean Chocolate helps you avoid feelings of hunger and sugar cravings that could slow your progress. And with 10g of lean protein per scoop, it well help support your active lifestyle even further.

Because we are so busy today, many people are deficient in getting certain nutrients in their diets. From not eating enough varieties of healthy foods, or consuming processed “junk” food too regularly, many of us are deficient in several nutrients through no fault of our own. Even if you do eat well and consume a varied diet, odds are you are still missing out on certain nutrients that are vital for your good health.

Supplementing your diet then becomes key if you want to enjoy good health and vitality. Lean Chocolate has been fortified with a full range of vitamins and minerals, plus digestive enzymes to support a healthy metabolism.

A Lean Treat for Any Time

We love adding a scoop of Lean Chocolate to our breakfast smoothies and shakes. It starts your day off on the right foot, and making a healthy choice early in the day sets the stage for a full day of more good choices!

While you shouldn’t rely on Lean, Lean Meal, or Lean Chocolate, they can all be taken multiple times throughout the day as part of your healthy plan, supporting your metabolism and keeping you full and energized for whatever the day brings.

Lean, Lean Meal and Lean Chocolate—What’s the Difference?

Lean: Lean is a premium vanilla-flavored protein shake, with a full spectrum of essential amino acids, vitamins, minerals, two types of protein and digestive enzymes that provides high quality nutrition with just 50 calories per scoop.

Lean Meal: A power-packed meal replacement shake, designed to give you the nutritional support you need to reach and maintain your weight loss goals. Features a full serving of fruits and greens, plus probiotics and other nutrient-dense ingredients. Replace one meal per day to support healthy weight-loss with a delicious chocolate flavor.

Lean Chocolate: Our premium protein blend…now with everyone’s favorite ingredient, chocolate! At just 70 calories per scoop, this is the chocolatey treat you don’t have to feel guilty about. Instead, you can feel good knowing that you’re giving your active body exactly what it needs, along with a taste you’ll look forward to.