Missy Kuhn is celebrating her 3-year business anniversary with our wellness team this month. Missy started using our products in July 2017 and joined the business in January 2018. 

“When I joined, I needed weight loss,” she said. “I’d tried everything, including a workout buddy and eating super organic and healthy and had lost only 2 pounds in three months. I needed something to work.”

Missy, of Model, Colorado, lost 8 pounds during her first 8-day jumpstart and went on to lose 20 pounds in seven weeks. “I was shook. I also had energy! I could actually come home from my 12-hour hospital shifts and start dinner and laundry and sweep the floor and chat with my husband … versus my prior activity of falling into bed ASAP.”

Her success with the products led her to joining the business side of the company after six months.

“I knew my sisters and my cousins needed the energy, healthy lifestyle and confidence I had found,” she said. “I also needed a passion and something to take my mind off of a personal heartbreak. I started sharing and realized I could maybe get some time freedom.”

Within the first month of business, Missy said she could work fewer hours at her job and had more time to “cowboy” on her ranch. Three years later, she has the time freedom she always wanted.

“With two little babies at home, I’m now a stay-at-home mom who doesn’t panic about buying groceries or Christmas presents,” she said. “What a blessing!”

Missy’s best advice for new distributors is to be consistent. “Take daily action, even if it’s small. Do something every day. Don’t go a week without following up with prospects or checking in on your customers. Be coachable. Call your coach or your business mentor and share your goals. Let them know what you want out of this, and they will help you grow.”

After having two babies in 14 months, Missy said her main product goal is to lose the weight she gained while pregnant. 

“I’m grateful we have products that work,” she said. “I have full confidence that I can again have confidence in my body. On the business side, I never want to go back to working in town. I want to be a ranch wife and stay-at-home mom.”

Missy, who is the rank of Platinum Director, said earning an income for her family is important.

“I see this income opportunity not only allowing me to stay home, but to pay off debt, allow us to pursue a rodeo hobby with our kids and not stress over ‘unexpected’ expenses,” she said. “Praising the Lord for this opportunity.”

Disclaimer: Missy is the rank of Platinum Director . .19% of Xyngular Distributors are paid as a Platinum Director. This testimonial does not include expenses incurred by the Distributor in building their business. Our company’s income disclosure: https://on.xyngular.com/2020IncomeSummary