Did you make a New Year’s resolution? Is there something you want to accomplish or change? Where do you hope to see yourself at the end of 2021?
The beginning of the year is a good time to look at your path and re-evaluate to make sure you are headed in the right direction. If you are one of the millions of people making resolutions this month, I hate to break it to you, but making a resolution alone doesn’t accomplish anything. It’s only an idea. For a resolution to happen, you must do more than simply resolve to do it. You’ve got to get in the driver’s seat and take control! You will not accomplish anything until you determine your path, start your engine and go!
Here are some tips to help you take the wheel, step on the gas and drive toward your preferred destination in 2021:

1. Before you get on the road, you’ll need to back up and out of the garage. Determine your why – your grand purpose. Do you want to lose weight so you can be healthier and reverse or reduce the chances for major medical issues? Earn more money so you can take a vacation with your family? Determining a worthy purpose is going to be what gets you to take yourself out of park and give you the drive to move you along the road to your destination. Visualize where you want to be at the end of your journey!
2. Next, write down your goal. Studies show that people who set goals and write them down achieve more than those who do not. SMART goals are the best:
- Specific – clear so you know exactly what you want.
- Measurable – tied to a number or a percent so you can easily determine when it’s accomplished.
- Attainable – challenging, yet realistic, so it sets you up for success. (Unrealistic goals cause loss of motivation.)
- Relevant – to YOU (and not someone else) as only you can control your own path.
- Time-based – with a specified deadline.

Your SMART goal is the beginning of your success plan. Refer to it often to keep you focused. Put it in front of you. This year in my family we did just that. We all made goal posters and put them on our refrigerator so our destinations would be in front of us each day.
3. But don’t stop there. Ask, “HOW will I do it?” Go back and visualize your desired goal and speculate the actions it took to achieve it. This will help you create a roadmap of how to get to your destination. Your roadmap is like directions to your goal. Most people won’t take action toward a goal unless it’s planned and scheduled. This requires time, navigation and fuel. It’s easy to sit in the backseat and watch things go by in the passenger seat. But, if YOU are the driver, you can determine where to go, your acceleration and momentum. The actions you take are mile-markers on the road to achieving purpose. They will motivate you. More action leads to more momentum; thus, the road trip will bring more excitement as you head toward your destination. Your road map can be changed. Just like any destination, there are several ways to get to a desired destination. If your plan doesn’t work, just adjust your route (actions) and determine a new way to get there. Do NOT change the goal!
4. As you travel toward your destination, expect bumps in the road. Anticipate obstacles and plan how to overcome them. Be proactive and think of things that might stop you from achieving your goal. Then determine how you can overcome those obstacles, whether it’s going around them or through them. Stay the course but use your tools to adjust to what’s getting in your way. For me, for instance, I know April through July is a crazy busy time for my family. This year, I’m already preparing for how I am going to adjust so I can still be headed in the right direction and not get off track during the chaos.
5. What also is important beyond taking action and overcoming obstacles is being mentally prepared. You are more likely to win the race and reach your destination if you are excited and positive. Practice positive self-talk. Use visualization of what the end of the road will look like to keep you excited. YOU can be your own biggest obstacle unless you are mentally conditioned to take the journey, despite how difficult the path might be.
6. Now it’s time to step on the gas, implement the plan and drive. Break your goal into weekly or daily activities. Create a to-do list or tracker. Prioritize it and check it often. Focus on the results of the actions you are taking and evaluate and adjust the plan as needed. Learn from mistakes. If you get off path, don’t stop. Just get back on the road and keep going. Detours happen. What’s important is finding a way despite the detours versus staying lost and never arriving.
7. Build in rewards. Break your goal into monthly or quarterly mini-goals and then celebrate your successes. This will keep you motivated, goal-centered and determined to keep going.
8. Finally, don’t put off your journey. Today is best day to start. Don’t let excuses or fear put off forward motion until you feel ready or can afford it or have more time, or whatever else might be holding you back. Push the pedal in faith using your skills, experience and desire. Get ready for the ride! You’ve got this!
Here is to getting in the driver’s seat and making 2021 YOUR year! If you need help sticking to your goals this year, join our 2021 Goal-Getter Challenge in our Live WELL community Facebook group! And, check out my blog about this year’s one little word: self care!
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