Our society is overworked and overcommitted. We are constantly running from one activity to another, anxiously awaiting the moment when we can take a break and relax. We are always waiting for Friday, or our next vacation, thinking that we will then be able to relax. However, by living our lives in this manner we are missing out on a living large chunks of our lives to the fullest. Learn how to live in the present and stop waiting for Friday, for summer, or for that next vacation. Use our tips to help you stay in the present and live your life to the fullest.

Lighten Your Load

Most Americans are overscheduled. We work long hours at the office, and then fill our evenings and weekends with appointments and leisure activities. While all these things may be beneficial alone, when you combine them into a jam packed schedule it becomes too much to handle. By scaling back on your schedule you can give yourself a little breathing room to focus on the things that truly matter. Whether it is cutting back on the amount of overtime you work each week, reducing your number of social obligations, or any other extracurricular activities you can take back control of your schedule and live more mindfully.

Let the Future Take Care of Itself

Worries about the future can put a strain on our ability to live in the present. There is nothing wrong with setting goals for the future and working towards them. However, when you become so focused on the future that you lose sight of the present it becomes a problem. When you catch yourself worrying about things you can’t control in the future make a choice to focus on what you can control in the present instead. Don’t let future worries steal your present joy.

Pick a Singular Focus

For years we have heard the benefits of multitasking. We have been conditioned to believe that if we try to do several things at once that we can be more productive and accomplish more throughout the day. However, multitasking is not the great productivity tools we have been told about. Focusing on multiple tasks at once takes away our ability to live in the present moment. We become so distracted that we don’t fully experience anything. Instead, use a singular focus and concentrate on just one task at a time. Make a mindful choice to be fully committed to whatever you are currently doing, and soak up each moment as it comes.

Learn to Live in the Moment

We are often overwhelmed with a never ending list of tasks and activities that leave us feeling pulled in too many directions at once. When this happens, we lose our ability to live in the moment and fully enjoy the present. Don’t spend your life waiting for Friday. Use our simple, actionable steps to ensure you are living in the present and making the most of every day. Take back control of your life, and learn to live mindfully.