The hot weather makes staying hydrated even more important! We asked our teammates for their tips for drinking enough water, and we’re putting on a water challenge later this month to test out all the great tips! 

When it comes to hydration, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Drinking water is most often the best and cheapest way to stay hydrated and rehydrate. Keep in mind water doesn’t contain added sugars or calories like many beverages. 
  • Coffee and tea contain caffeine, which can cause dehydration in excess amounts. Caffeine becomes dehydrating only in doses around 250–300 mg. Drinking coffee and tea in moderate amounts can be as hydrating as drinking water.
  • Comprising 80-99 percent water, fruits and vegetables can be a perfect hydrating snack.
  • Our product Spryng works great for hydration! Spryng is a drink mix that delivers clean natural energy, may help improve mental focus, support the immune system and improve physical performance. Spryng keeps you hydrated and improves your recovery from any form of exercise!

Since drinking water is an effective way to stay hydrated, we asked our teammates to weigh in on how they make sure they drink half their body weight in ounces of water a day:

  • I mark a checkmark on a notepad on the fridge for each glass I drink! — Missy
  • I take a 64-ounce jug along with two 20-ounce cups with ice cold water to work, so I know I always have to drink that much during the day. I usually have 16 ounces in the morning and drink another 32 ounces (at least) after work. Even before starting this system, I was a water drinker. — JoDee
  • I keep track with magnets on my fridge. I move each time I fill my water bottle. — Sandy
  • I have a 64-ounce jug that I keep with me at all times! I know I’ve hit my water goal when I fill it for the third time. Also, I do the 10-drink method: Take 10 drinks every time I reach for my jug! — Angela
  • I make sure and have a full glass of water with me when I’m driving to and from work. It has to be gone by the time I reach my destination. — Kari

We thought it would be fun to take some of these tips and apply them to a 7-Day Water Challenge in our Live WELL community! The challenge is free to participate in, and we’ll have motivation, tips and tricks and giveaways along the way! The goal of participants will be to drink half their body weight in ounces of water (up to a gallon) every day. The challenge will be July 25-31.

Join our Live WELL community to get involved in the 7-Day Water Challenge!
