More than 75 people participated in our 7-Day Water Challenge in our Live WELL community!

The goal was to drink half your body weight in ounces of water (up to a gallon) every day of the challenge. Many participants used our products like Complete Collagen, Spryng, Trimstix, Xypstix and Cardio to help reach their water goal!

Here are some tips participants shared to help give others ideas on how to get all your water in: what a few participants said about the challenge:

  • I use a Bubba water bottle and fill it 3-4 times a day. It holds 30 ounces. — Jenny
  • I plan a schedule of when and how much water I drink. I drink out of the water bottle and tally when I am finished. At 10 and 2 I put Trimstix Fruit Punch in my water. I try to have the 80-90 ounces finished by 7 p.m. — Verlene
  • I use a 32-ounce insulated Contigo bottle. But I keep a gallon jar in fridge of filtered water, this way I know I need to drink at least three of my bottles and I strive to finish the gallon every day. I love slicing up lemons or cucumbers and placing in the gallon jar. I’ve even tried sweet basil leaves from my garden, it was ok but not my favorite. — Cynthia
  • I set a timer and every half hour I’m drinking my water. Overall, I really don’t have trouble doing it on my own. It’s a mindset. — Leann
  • I keep a gallon jug filled with water and I know I’ve completed my water when it’s empty. I also love the Trimstix early afternoon cause it’s an incredible pick me up!! It’s a little harder to keep track when I’m on the road. but I use a marker to check on one bottle so I know when I have my 64 ounces in! — Rebecca
  • I use bottled water bottles and fill however many I need to meet my goal for the day. I flavor with Walmart brand liquid water flavoring. — Christy
  • I use my accountability bottle. I like to infuse my water with lime and cucumbers. I’ve also started squeezing fruit and mixing it with my ice cubes to freeze. — Trisha
  • I like my water ice cold. I am more apt to drink it all if it is super cold. I also set timers to remind me to drink if it isn’t right in front of me. — Kerri
  • I have a gallon water bottle that I fill daily. I use that to pour into my mug of ice( which melts the ice and gives me more water). I use Stur flavoring for my drinks except at Trimstix time. When my gallon of water is empty, I know I have had more than a gallon because of the extra from the melted ice. — Jean
  • For me, it is a cute insulated water jug that is marked with ounces! I also keep water in the fridge to help me keep on track! — Karlene
  • I use my large water bottle. It holds 64 ounces. I fill it once a day and use it to fill my cup all day. First thing in the morning, I have a 16-ounce glass of water. It gets me started on the right track. — Patty
  • Eating a salty snack like sunflower seeds, or popcorn makes me drink a lot. And just going outside, it’s so stinking hot! — Julie
  • I use a Aquafina water bottle. 16.9 ounces. I drink my first new bottle first thing when I get up. Halfway through I mix with my Collagen. Then the rest of the day I refill the bottle. Each time I finish the bottle, I make sure to mark it down on my daily sticky note to keep track of how many I’ve drank for the day. Also, my reminder I need to drink more if I feel a I’m getting behind. Works for me!! — Jamie
  • I refill a gallon of water every night so that the next day I start over. Every time I fill up a glass or water bottle I fill it from this gallon jug so that I can measure it all day. I learned years ago that I can’t count how many glasses of water I drink, so this is an easy visual of how much I have had. — Jaylene
  • I have a hydro jug and a 32-ounce Yeti cup. Depending on what I’m doing as to what I use. Like my water cold so prepare it ahead or fill the hydro jug and put in fridge. At noon I have my Trimstix. Start by drinking at least 12 ounces when I first get up and finish the day with 12 ounces warm water before bed. Mix my collagen around 5 when I feed the dogs. Just a scheduled time so I don’t forget. Mixing it separately just adds more liquid. By the time I’ve done all that I’m well over my gallon of water a day! Sometimes extra thought to drink liquid is required during certain times of the year! Just keep chugging that water!!! — Melissa

Interested in learning more about our products that help can help you reach your daily water goal and keep you hydrated? Get back with the person who introduced you to our products. If you’re not sure who that is, email

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