One pill, one scoop, one drink to keep you energized, help you kick cravings to the curb and support your healthy skin from within! Our wellness company just came out with a new bundle — the X Factor!

This powerful lineup is the perfect addition to your daily ritual so you achieve maximum weight loss and wellness results and put your best foot forward each day. These three products work together to boost your mood, energize and hydrate you and support healthy skin. You’ll feel it, and others will notice it!

X Factor Products:

  • Xyng – What some call “sunshine in a bottle” boosts mood and energy
  • Trimstix – Kicks your sugar cravings to the curb and burns fat
  • Complete Collagen – Supports digestion and healthy skin from within

It’s YOUR X Factor, so make it work for YOU. That means no timelines, just take your products consistently at the same time each day for optimal weight loss and wellness results. One pill, one scoop, one drink, it’s that easy. Mix your Collagen and Trimstix for an even easier two-step routine!

A better bundle makes for a better subscription! Add the X Factor to your monthly subscription so you always have your favorite products on hand. That’s convenience delivered right to your door!

Ready to order?! If you’re already a customer, snag a kit by logging into your account! If you’re new and haven’t tried our products before or if you fell off the wagon and it’s been 6+ months since you’ve ordered, get back with the person who introduced you to our system. If you’re not sure who that is, email or we’ll get you all of the details!