My 2021 OLW: Self Care

My 2021 OLW: Self Care

I’ve thought long. I’ve thought hard. My word of the year for 2021 is … SELF CARE. The past few days I’ve spent some time breaking down my self care goal and am using this acronym to remember to take care of me …  S-chedule “me” time...
Earn extra cash this holiday season!

Earn extra cash this holiday season!

The holiday season is supposed to be a time of joy. Of hope. Of celebration. But for many, it’s a time of stress. Of worry. Of anxiety. And the big difference between those two experiences is money. Funding Christmas is a big financial strain for many families who are...
25 Healthy Choices for Holidays Feasts

25 Healthy Choices for Holidays Feasts

Holiday feasts can be tough when you have wellness goals you are trying to conquer or maintain. When I decided to get healthy, I did so during the holiday season. Between Thanksgiving and Christmas, I ate holiday feasts and STILL LOST MORE THAN 20 POUNDS! Here are...